2024: 38 Award Winner, 5 Finalist, 2 Semi-Finalist,3 Quarter-Finalist, 3 Honorable Mentions from independent film festivals around the world 2023-2024.
EarthLove is a poetic dance/music film #musicanddancevideo based on a remix by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers @nidia_martinez_barbieri@eme_expand,@isabella.linnea@jer8e@george_pel@riccardo_zandona, with choreographic guidance by@miguelericcortes
@cineamatographer;@benjaminzadig_dp1st camera assistant@jonaseneskarand 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder
Editor; Jakob Nilsson@kattmassage
On theremix;playing: @feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733 @charliehaugenkonrad @davic Martin Fernandez @piddemaracas @franshanner @kentolofsson33
Supported by@filmcentrumsyd and a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd
Saturday 7/12 LiAn Filmfestival 2024, Panora Cinema
by LiAn Art Duo; Lisa Fjellman Anna Lönn Franko, @lisasillizza @loannaellen_artist
"Dreams and other realities".
Our film EARTHLOVE is screening in the first of 3 film
packages, start 12.30
Mingling and conversations 18.00-19.30
November 2024 EarthLove
And a special thanks to @micheledioma @nynfilmawards @sallyvalentinalumi
Selected; New York Film and Cinematography Awards
August 2024: EarthLove
Best Music Video: Roshani International Film Festival India
Nominee Best Videography @yetifilmfest, Reykjavik, Iceland,
Best Arthouse Music Video:
https://wildfilmmaker.com/winners-special-event-at-81st.../ "Congratulations from the Venice International Film Festival Special Edition Wild Filmmaker!Your project has been awarded among over 4,000 participants—a record-breaking achievement for an Indie Cinema event." @michelediomà @wild_filmaker @sallyvalentinalumi
Semifinalist Best Music Video
"You made our very top 3.29% with excellent results" @lonelywolffest
October 1-5, 2024 Our film Precious Balance Walk will be one of 20 films in special edition: MOSTRA ECOPERFORMANCE FILM FESTIVAL at Sesc Pompeia (São Paulo, Brasil). It is an exhibition of International Ecoperformance Film Festival (2021 - 2024) @ecoperformancefilmfestival, Maura Baiocchi and Wolfgang Pannek
Thank you Sascha Fülscher for helping editing and preparing for translating text to portuguese!
Precious Balance Walk 13.24
Performance Artist:
Joakim Stampe Lisa Nyberg
Erik Högström Meri Nikula Elena Lundquist Ortíz Ignacio Pérez Pérez
Directed by Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugenj / I still live in water
Cinematographer Benjamin Zadig
Camera Assistants Anna Åhlander Linnea Sparén
Sound Designer Dokto Golag David Gülich
Editor Sascha Fülscher
Music: Water is instinct, David Carlsson Felicia Konrad and Mats Persson Bass: David Carlsson, Vocals: Felicia Konrad
Text from ”The Way of the Water”, Ursula K. Le Guin
Consulting Director Jenifer Malmqvist
Särskilt TACK till Jon Andreas Hammerth
Med stöd av Nordisk Kulturfond
BoostHBG FilmCentrum Syd Marint Kunskapscenter i Malmö
Sept 2024 TOKYO, Japan! Water is alive and sentient!!!
Thank you @senseifilmfest for Best Mood Film, and for the nomination to Best Experimental!
Performance Artist:
Joakim Stampe Lisa Nyberg Erik Högström Meri Nikula Elena Lundquist Ortíz Ignacio Pérez Pérez
Directed by Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugen/ I still live in water
Cinematographer Benjamin Zadig
Camera Assistants Anna Åhlander Linnea Sparén
Sound Designer Dokto Golag David Gülich
Editor Sascha Fülscher
Music: Water is instinct, David Carlsson Felicia Konrad and Mats Persson Bass: David Carlsson, Vocals: Felicia Konrad
Text from ”The Way of the Water”, Ursula K. Le Guin
Consulting Director Jenifer Malmqvist
Särskilt TACK till Jon Andreas Hammerth
Med stöd av Nordisk Kulturfond
Boost Hbg FilmCentrum Syd Marint Kunskapscenter i Malmö
17th of August Precious Balance Walk screening in Bistrita, Romania. The festival takes place today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow at Teleki Castle in Poșmuș Bistrita Romania , as part of a larger arts festival (ArtCast TELEKY) that includes concerts, exhibitions, poetry, and workshops. "We are confident that your film will be well received by the audience."
Thank you:@briff_film_festival 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
We are all water in the same Ocean (Yoko Ono)
@benjaminzadig_dp @davidglichsumsase Sasha Fülscher @jenifermalmqvist@davic@annaahlander@linneasparen@vagabondkoket@nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg@filmcentrumsyd@marintkunskapscenter.
26 JULY ON SPOTIFY and more! The single with 2 songs: EarthLove remix by Kent Olofsson (that also has gotten prices for Best Original Song in 3 Film Festivals!) and Love Earth - EarthLove, on the single playing: me, Johan Haugen yidiaki, Charlie Haugen Konrad vocal , David Carlsson bass, Martin Fernandez drums, Petter Lindgård trumpet and Frans Hanner guitar, (Kent Olofsson synt on EarthLove remix).
18t of July 2024 online11:30-13:00 at The International Network of Experimental Fiction Filmmaking Conference and Festival https://www.ineff.org/presentations-and-sharing.html
she says, she says (7’46”) 2023, Julieanna Preston and Felicia Konrad.
She says, she says, is a vocal video performance between two friends, two lands, two continents on opposite sides of the earth.
Two voices migrate back and forth in an improvisational, vibrating circuitry navigating through thick, loose, dense, light, smooth, turbid, calm, fierce and fickle geography, each refrain gaining and loosing bits of the landscape it has touched. Adjustments and inflections retune the voice as it makes its way from here to there, now to then, her to her, again and again, as sounds waves vibrating the molecules of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies—refrains of geo-haptic tones.
7/7 16.00-18.00 at Page 28 Malmö, Sweden.
I together with 4 other persons will read out loud from this beautiful book by Zafira Vrba Woodski.
20ieth of June EarthLove online streaming together with 5 other shorts, #europeanshortfilmaward #berlin #filmfreeway
(https://film-festival.eu/, https://x.com/eufilmfestival/status/1801571278471438538)
(EarthLove awarded with Best Art Film)
June 13-14th of June – EXPERIMENTAL, DANCE AND MUSIC https://wildsoundfestivalreview.com/.../june-2024.../
Experimental Dance & Music Film Festival (Los Angeles, Toronto, New York) https://experimentalfilmfestival.com
Listen/Watch to the podcast interview with me and
Matthew Toffolo, host for Wildsound podcast.
8th of June On World Ocean Day our film Precious Balance Walk (13.24) will be screened nonstop at Malmö Art Hall 11.00 -17.00 https://malmokonsthall.se/evenemangs/havets-dag-kortfilmen-precious-balance-walk/
@johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis@ignacioperezperez@merinikula@lisanyberg_executive@erikhogstrom@benjaminzadig_dp@davidglichsumsase Sasha Fülscher
@marintkunskapscenter (Erik Högström still from film Benjamin Zadig)
2024 Precious Balance Walk
Aprile: Reykjavik, Iceland: Yeti filmfest Best Mood Film, Nominee: Best Cinematograpy Benjamin Zadig
March: Brooklyn Online Filmfestival, @nocturnafilmfest; Finalist: Best Avant-Garde Film
March: Antwerpen, Belgium; Beyond the Screen; Best Experimental #beyondthescreenfestival
February: #londonmovieawards Best Experimental! https://londonmovieawards.com/february-2024
Coming Film Festivals 2024: Finalist: Best Experimental and Best Dance or Poetic Filmhaus in Berlin, Oct 2024
2024 23/3, Barcelona, Location: Zumzeig Cinema | Calle Béjar, 53. Barcelona, Spain from 12:00 until 15:00 @barcelona_indie_awards
Our film Precious Balance Walk is a part of this exhibition in Amsterdam, 10th of February- 3ird of March
Nature is way out of balance and we lose control over water and fire-related processes. On this theme, 23 artists from Iran, Mongolia, Brazil, Sweden, and The Netherlands respond with paintings, mixed media, and video art with large projections.
ArtistsRose Ansari, Anunaran J, Karin Balog, Gabi Brunhoso,Sonja Cabalt, Cecelia Chapman, Ben Dolphin, Nadia Gyr, Marie Hego, Erik Hobijn, Hanna Hrabarska, Isolde Kille, Felicia Konrad/Johan Haugen, Floor Meijers, Mouries Collective, Sander Newton, Madeline Olmer, Roberta Petzoldt, Saskia Pfaeltzer, Bernet Ragetli, Diogo Sanquetta , Studio Machii, Jacquie Maria Wessels, Zindzi Zwietering
Erik Högström: Still from Film Benjamin Zadig
25/2 Yippie! @newyorkmovieawards EarthLove is screening!!
THANK YOU! https://newyorkmovieawards.com/movie-night
February 2024 !❤️🌍🌎🌏❤️ (not yet updated the poster)
1. Best Music Video at Reels International Short Film Festival
(Best Indie Festival Jan 2024)
5. BEST DANCE VIDEO Lion International Film Festival, Firenze/Italy
7.Best Music Video, Berlin https://filmfreeway.com/SunnyFilmFestival
8. Best Music Video: in Munich New Wave Film Festival https://www.newwavefilmfestival.com/
9. Best Experimental: New York
10. Gold Award Experimental, London
11. Best Music Video and Gold Award Original Song #newyorkmovieawards
12. Gold Award - Original Song and Silver Award - Music Video
Milan Gold Awards https://milangoldawards.com/january-2024
13. Music Video Silver Award florencefilmawards https://florencefilmawards.com/january-2024
14. Upgraded to SEMIFINALIST in Belgrade, Serbia
15. NOMINEE in Aurangabad; India https://filmfreeway.com/REELSINTERNATIONALFILMFESTIVAL-3
16. Selected in Bucharest Cine Film Fest; event 29th of Feb https://www.bscfest.com/
17 Selected in India, Roshani: Event date is 28th of July https://filmfreeway.com/RIFFINDIA2022
January 2024 !❤️🌍🌎🌏❤️
Thank you@newcinemafilmfestival
https://www.wildfilmmakerfestival.com/winners-red-sea-film-script-fest THANK YOU
Thank you 8 & HALFILM AWARDS! (Best Indie Festival 2023)
Edinburgh International Art Festival
Thank you 8 & HALFILM AWARDS! (Best Indie Festival 2023)
5. BEST MUSIV VIDEO, at TOP SHOT FESTIVAL, a new festival in Warszawa, Poland! https://topshot.tilda.ws/
6. Updated: EarthLove is now a Quarterfinalist, Best Dance Film, and best ECO work Thank you@portuguese.lemur
December 2023
21/12 Screening at Kino, Lund, #kortfilmsdagen, #folketsbio
1. Finalist Best Music Video in The Singapore International Competition @thesingaporeinternationalcompetion
2. Best Music Video; Zurich, Switzerland @switzerlandfilmfestivalandscreenplaycompetion
3.Best Poetic Music Video and Best International Song, Rome; Italy
8 & HALFILM AWARDS! (Best Indie Festival 2023)@8&HALFILMAWARDS
4.Finalist Best Music Video, Tokyo, Japan. @risingsuncinemafilmfestival
November 2023
1. 12/11 Winner Critics Choice Award, Big thank you Calcutta International Cult Film @hlc_cicff 😍❤️
2. 1/11❤️🌎 😍 Winner, Honorable Mention,
2023, Los Angeles global-shorts.net/honorable-mentions/
And: With more than 1,000 projects applied, EarthLove made it to the top 10 percent at both:
3. Official Selection Kosice International Film Festival 2023/2024
4 .Official Selection Budapest Movie Awards 2023/24 Summer Season
#filmfreeway #wearenotsepareatedfromearth #lovelettertoearth
EarthLove is a poetic dance/music film #musicanddancevideo based on a remix by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers @nidia_martinez_barbieri@eme_expand,@isabella.linnea@jer8e@george_pel@riccardo_zandona, with choreographic guidance by@miguelericcortes@cineamatographer;@benjaminzadig_dp1st camera assistant@jonaseneskarand 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder
Editor; Jakob Nilsson@kattmassage
On theremix;playing: @feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733 @charliehaugenkonrad @davic Martin Fernandez @piddemaracas @franshanner @kentolofsson33
Supported by@filmcentrumsyd and a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd
2023 Our 3-hour durational Body of Water Live Performance Concert in St Petri Church at Malmöfestivalen 16/8 was immensely strong!
Some people stayed for all the 3 hours! And some just asked directly after; Are you going to do this again?- And yes! But we don't know when och where right now! - Here is the last 14 minutes of these 3 hours, a flowing improvisation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1K_r3UK_FY
Our constellation: Breathing Water; Mats Persson, Tina Quartey, David Carlsson www.breathingwater.se
I will get back also with a shorter film from the whole process of being in this together! - We are also very grateful for the appreciation from the general of "Malmöfestivalen", Jessica Nilsson: what a fantastic piece and what a strong experience on site!
2023 My first interview as a filmdirector!
2/10 ❤️😍EarthLove has been officially selected to European Short Awards 2023/24 SUMMER SEASON. ❤️😍 With more than 1,000 projects applied, EarthLove made it to the top 10 percent.
28/9 💙PROUD!😍💙Our film Precious Balance Walk was screened in OSLO at ECOPERFORMANCE IN ARCHITECTURE, as part of the teaching and research program BODY & SPACE MORPHOLOGIES ACTING AND THE ACTED IN A MORE-THAN-HUMAN WORLD at the Institute of Architecture The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)Oslo, September 11th, 13th, 14th & 15th 2023. (Prof. Rolf Gerstlauer at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design Head of the Institute of Architecture).
@davidglichsumsase Sasha Fülscher @jenifermalmqvist@ davic@
annaahlander@linneasparen@vagabondkoket@nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg@filmcentrumsyd @marintkunskapscenter
28/9❤️ to#redwoodfilmfestival for selecting EarthLove !#filmfreeway
#wearenotsepareatedfromearth #lovelettertoearth
EarthLove is a poetic dance/music film #musicanddancevideo based on a remix by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers @nidia_martinez_barbieri@eme_expand,@isabella.linnea@jer8e@george_pel@riccardo_zandona, with choreographic guidance by@miguelericcortes
@cineamatographer;@benjaminzadig_dp1st camera assistant@jonaseneskarand 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder
Editor; Jakob Nilsson@kattmassage
On theremix;playing: @feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733 @charliehaugenkonrad @davic Martin Fernandez @piddemaracas @franshanner @kentolofsson33
Supported by@filmcentrumsyd and a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd
23/9 Boost Hbg : Pitch Your Heart Out på Nordisk Panorama!
From left up above vänster:
* Olof Bendz med projektet Att bli påkörd av en buss
* Felicia Konrad med projektet The Water Banquet
* Simon Folger med projektet Politiskt haveri
* Gustav Hugo Olsson med projektet Wonder Boy
* Daniela & Michaela Runesson med projektet The Daddy Issue aka Samtalet
* Emmalisa Pauly med projektet VOINE
12/9 BIG THANK YOU Vegas Movie Awards!#vegasmovieawards
Nomination: BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM Of The Year ("Precious Balance Walk")"- as a previous Vegas Movie Awards™ winner, you have just been selected by our Judging Committee for inclusion in the shortlist of films nominated for the prestigious VMA Awards Gala
@joakimstampe@lisanyberg_executive@erikhogstrom@merinikula@ignacioperezperez@___earthweavercinematographer@benjaminzadigsound design:@davidglichsumsaseeditor:@sashafulscher@cameraassistants@annaalander@linneasparenmusik:@davic@feliciavoiceperformer, Mats Persson, mentor:@jenifermalmqvist
Med stöd av@nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg@filmcentrumsyd@marintkunsapscenterimalmo
12/9 Big Thank you❤️😍🌊@best_film_awards
for: Best Short Film Award 2022/23 Summer Edition, London England#filmfreeway 'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
@joakimstampe@lisanyberg_executive@erikhogstrom@merinikula@ignacioperezperez@___earthweavercinematographer@benjaminzadig sound design: @davidglichsumsase editor:@sashafulscher
cameraassistants: @annaalander@linneasparen
musik:@davic@feliciavoiceperformer, Mats Persson, mentor:@jenifermalmqvist
Med stöd av @nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg @marintkunsapscenterimalmo
11/9 Thank you for selecting Precious Balance Walk (13.24) ❤️💙
#blackowlfestival blackowlfestival.com
8/9 Both our films were selected❤️🌊
3/9 16.30 Premiere for EarthLove screening at Panora, Cinema, Malmö
as a part of #malmointhemaking, together with our first film Precious Balance Walk. David Carlsson will start the event by playing bass, and then a talk together with Benjamin Zadig will follow.
28/8This is our second time participating in this film festival, in Aurangabad, India! Thank you for selecting EarthLove!❤️🌍
#reelsinternationalfilmfestival #wearenotseparatedfromearth
EarthLove is a poetic dance/music film based on a remix by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers: @nidiamartinezbarbieri @eme_expand@isabella.linnea@jer8e @george_pel@riccardo_zandona with choreographic guidance by @miguelericcortes
cinematographer:@benjaminzadig1st camera assistant@jonaseneskarand 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder Editor; Jakob Nilsson@kattmassageOn the remix; playing;@feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733Charlie Haugen Konrad@davicMartin Fernandez@piddemaraccasFrans Hanner@kentolofsson33
Supported by@filmcentrumsydand a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd!!!
16/8 Live performance concert Body of Water 3-hour durational 19.30 -22.30 at St Petri Church at @malmofestivalen 16th of August 2023!
Ongoing sound piece Breathing Water, and Water Dialogues: Tina Quartey, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Felicia Konrad
17/8 THANK YOU❤️ Travancore International Film Award - TIFA (Kerala) EarthLove to you all! Best Poetic Dance Film, Best Art Based Film, Best Cinematography; Benjamin Zadig and Best Dancer: Nidia Barbieri Martinez.
Travancore International Film Festival
EarthLove is a poetic dance/music film#musicanddancevideo#wearenotseparetedfromearth
EarthLove is based on a remix by
by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers:@nidia_martinez_barbieri@eme_expand,@isabella.linnea@jer8e@george_pel@riccardo_zandona, with choreographic guidance by@miguelericcortes
@cineamatographer;@benjaminzadig_dp1st camera assistant@jonaseneskarand 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder
On the remix; playing;@feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733@charliehaugenkonrad
@davicMartin Fernandez@piddemaracas@franshanner@kentolofsson33
Supported by@filmcentrumsydand a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd
8/8 THANK YOU❤️@barcelona_indie_awards for selecting our film EarthLove for the official selection, summer 2023 edition.
EarthLove to you all! barcelonaindieawards.com/official-selection-of-summer-2023/
31/7 ❤️@londondirectorsaward EarthLove was officially selected to the third year of London Director Awards 2023/24. It was among the 150 best projects from more than 1500 projects applied. List of films in the official selection
6/7 We are very happy that EarthLove has been chosen as a quarter-finalist of the@belgrade_film_festival Belgrade Film Festival http://belgradefilmfestival.tilda.ws/quarterfinalistsspri...
EarthLove is based on a remix by
by the composer@kentolofsson33, with the dancers: @nidia_martinez_barbieri@eme_expand,@isabella.linnea@jer8e@george_pel
@riccardo_zandona, with choreographic guidance by@miguelericcortes
@cineamatographer;@benjaminzadig_dp 1st camera assistant@jonaseneskar
and 2econd camera assistant@kwelinder Editor; Jacob Nilsson
On the remix playing: @feliciavoiceperformer@johan.haugen.733@charliehaugenkonrad
Supported by@filmcentrumsydand a big thank you to@danscentrumsyd
❤️💙Sao Paolo!!😍 Thank you @garoaawards
for Best Experimental and Best Cinematography: Benjamin Zadig
@johan.haugen.733 @preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis
@ignacioperezperez@merinikula@lisanyberg_executive@erikhogstrom@benjaminzadig_dp@davidglichsumsase Sascha Fülscher @jenifermalmqvist@davic@annaahlander@linneasparen@vagabondkoket@nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg@filmcentrumsyd@marintkunskapscenter
5 JUNE Some pictures from our first Microperformance:
The Voice of the Stone, the new network for communication and innovation #morethanhuman#morethanhumanworld
#artperformance (Felicia Konrad, Petra Lilja, Malin Lobell, Lena Ignestam, Johan Haugen.) photo left Felicia Konrad photos under Anna Bokström
1-4 JUNE, Brasil! Precious Balance Walk selected!!
57 films – artists from 28 countries
in person & online
Faced with the eco-political challenges of the 21st century, the 3rd International Festival of Ecoperformance continues the transcultural mission of bringing together interdisciplinary artists who work in natural, urban, and virtual landscapes to investigate in an eco[po]ethical way the tensions of conflict and composition between the environment, body, ancestry, and memory.
25-28 May our film Precious Balance Walk shown as a part of
On the 28th of May, from 14.00-15.00, we will also make a Collective Slow Water Walk where we will be focusing on our breathing and the oxygen coming from the Ocean. Gathering close to bridge 1 at Ribersborg Beach, Malmö.
1/5 ❤️🌊❤️
(saw that another Swedish short film; "To Garbo and Lenin", has been selected for this festival earlier)
@davidglichsumsase @saschafülscher@jenifermalmqvist @davic@annaahlander@linneasparen@vagabondkoket@nordiskkulturfond@boosthbg@filmcentrumsyd@marintkunskapscenter
11/4 Finalist in Bridge Of Peace International Film Festival @bridge_of_peace2022 #filmfreeway
"We are all water in the same Ocean" Yoko Ono
"We created the Bridge of Peace Film Festival in France in order to focus the audience's attention on the pressing problems of humanity, in order to seek and find an answer to the question of how to live in a world without wars, without oppression, how to learn to respect the traditions and culture of other peoples, how to preserve nature and its diversity for new generations."
23/3 From nominee to Best Experimental! and first time in Hungary!
🌊❤️Thank you❤️🌊@budapestfilmfestival_official
Top film festival at #filmfreeway
'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
21/3 Japan,@tokyofilmawards❤️🌊💙 Best Experimental!! Thank you 😍#filmfreeway
'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
@johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis@ignacioperezperez @lisanyberg_executive@merinikula
9/3 2023, Nice, France ❤️ Best Experimental!!
Thank you @goldengiraffe_festival; Golden Giraffe International Film Festival#filmfreeway "We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
@johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk @xstampe @hydrachrysalis @ignacioperezperez @merinikula
@lisanyberg_executive @erikhogstrom @benjaminzadig_dp @davidglichsumsase @saschfülscher @jenifermalmqvist @davic @annaahlander @linneasparen @vagabondkoket @nordiskkulturfond @boosthbg @filmcentrumsyd @marintkunskapscenter
1/3 2023 Best Original Soundtrack for our film Precious Balance Walk❤️ROM; ITALY❣️Thank you Fox International Film Festival @foxif.festival #filmfreeway
If you want to listen to the song; 'Water is instinct' by@davic@feliciavoiceperformerand Mats Persson (Water Dialogues) https://open.spotify.com/track/1gvDqE0n4lGOIGTlDg4U4B?si=295ccb8c4ab046f1
4/2 2023❤️!!!!!!BEST EXPERIMENTAL
'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
14/1 2023 INCREDIBLE❤️!!!
BEST EXPERIMENTAL But also BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY (award of prestige)@benjaminzadig
'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
6/1 2023 WOW! Athen, monthly art film festival
❤️@aimaffestival #filmfreeway
'We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono
@johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis@ignacioperezperez @lisanyberg_executive@merinikula
5/1 2023 THANK YOU! @newyorktristate
Honorable Mention to us for our film Precious Balance Walk!
4/1 2023 Very grateful for Best Experimental ❤️fridafilmfestival.com
21/12 2022 WOW! ❤️#parisshortsfilmawards#filmfreeway
18/12 Hawaii!!!❤️ Our film Precious Balance Walk is a Best Dance or Poetic film nominee!
You can watch it at magmafilmfest.com til the 23rd of December.
15/11 Filming in Pildammsparken; Malmö, for the EARTHLOVE dance/art/music video, a remix by the awesome composer
Kent Olofsson. The dancers who made the magic with guidance from the choreographer/dancer Miguel Cortéz; Nidia Dance Émé Lia Isabella Linnéa Eriksson George Pelagias JerryPedersen Riccardo Zandonà
And the one and only Filmfotographer; Benjamin Zadig with the 2 great camera assistants; Jonas Eneskär and Konrad Welinder.
On the remix; playing; Felicia Konrad Johan Haugen Charlie Haugen Konrad, David Carlsson Martin Fernandez;
@mz_drummer Petter Lindgård Frans Hanner
Big Thank you Kirstine Ilum for tip about dancers and thank you, Maria Forsman at Danscentrum Syd for the great help with tip and the warm-up studio!
'There's a revolution that needs to happen and it starts from inside each one of us. We need to wake up and fall in love with the Earth. Our personal and collective happiness and survival depend on it.' - Thich Nhat Hanh
11/11 Very humbling!
Our film Precious Balance Walk won Best Poetic Film!
❤️😍 🌊@climaxfilmfestin Spain! https://climaxfilmfest.com/2022-vexhibition/ https://climaxfilmfest.com/2022-results-day3/
"We are all water in the same Ocean' Yoko Ono @johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis@ignacioperezperez @lisanyberg_executive@merinikula
11/10 Because of the Russian bombings of Ukraine, which again started intensively the week that the festival was supposed to take place, the festival had to postpone. It was heartbreaking, they are very brave.
Film festival Event screening from Ukraine date 12 Oct.
@europeanpeacefilmfest on Instagram;
All screenings are free. All films will be shown mixed with a 10-minute break. The screenings of the films will start at the specified time and will continue until the screenings are over. A small military group will be present around the hall in case of any attack. There will be a limited screening for security reasons.
Всі покази безкоштовні. Всі фільми будуть показані упереміж з 10-хвилинною перервою. Покази фільмів почнуться в зазначений час і триватимуть до тих пір, поки покази не закінчаться. Невелика Військова група буде знаходитися навколо залу на випадок будь-якого нападу. З міркувань безпеки перевірка буде обмеженою.
26/9 It was a wonderful experience with our Live Performance Concert Body of Water in St Pauli Church, Malmö, #malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane; here is a short film of clips on Facebook
here is a short film of clips on Instagram
26/9 Thank you #malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane, S:t Pauli kyrka i Malmö, and all you around 40 persons that came and saw our film, some of you more than 1 time, it was magic when Meri Nikulas high pitched voice streamed out in the space of the Church!
Still from film Benjamin Zadig, performance artist; Erik Högström
If you want to see the film you can stream it in Sweden at Triart;
And if you wish to know more; www.istillliveinwater.com
23-25 Sept 2022 The Gallerywekeend in Malmö,
#malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane
at Sankt Pauli Church, Malmö/Sweden
Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten
23/9 Live Performance Concert 19.30
with our constellation Breathing Water: Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, and Tina Quartey. www.breathingwater.se
23/9 Our art film Precious Balance Walk www.istillliveinwater.com
will be looping 18.00 - 19.15 and 20.50 - 22.00
24-25/9, 12-16, Outdoor installation with Body of Water Guided Meditation instructions beside the big porch at the church
24/9 Very happy that Body of Water and our film Precious Balance Walk was one of the first mentioned and tiped about by a wonderful art critic Carolina Söderholm, in our loccal/regional paper;
9/9 🌊😍Precious Balance Walk von; Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Photo, at our second Film Festival in Turkey!@goldenwheatawards@communityofcinema
6-7 sept Collaboration with prof Julieanna Preston
Our work at Vimeo; A chorus of Geo-haptic tones
Voices in and out of Place: Misplaced, Displaced, Replaced, and Interlaced Voices: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/vicariousvocalities2022/
The International Centre for Music Studies at Newcastle University(ICMuS) is hosting the second biennial Vicarious Vocalities/Simulated Songs virtual conference in collaboration with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, now celebrating its tenth year.
28/8 We won a prize at this Film Festival in Turkey! @venuscommunityawards
- We are so grateful that Precious Balance Walk has been shown and participated in so many different film festivals, in many different countries in the world! Ono@johan.haugen.733@preciousbalancewalk@xstampe@hydrachrysalis@ignacioperezperez
28/8 2022 I will start my course at Deep Listening.org my goal is to become a deep listening instructor.
21/6 invited to participate in 'Word Weathers'
online performance-writing.
(Performed the first version in Dec 2021 at the Nonfiction Now Conference (https://2021.nonfictionow.org/) and have subsequently been invited to perform an advance version of it as part of World Weather Network, a constellation of weather stations imagined and operated by 28 arts agencies around the world, forming a new global coalition in response to the climate emergency and biodiversity loss. The overarching project originates with Artangel (https://www.artangel.org.uk/) and our regional hosting agency is Te Tuhi (https://tetuhi.art/).
10/6 Far away from here! Best Experimental in Bhutan International Short Film Festival 2022 (may)@nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @boosthbg Boost @Marint Kunskapscenter i Malmö
#waterisalive #waterisentient
If you wish to stream in Sweden https://triart.se/streama/precious-balance-walk
9/6 Humbly happy that our film Precious Balance Walk won Best European Experimental Film in this festival based in Cannes #waterisalive #waterisentient sweetdemocracyfilmawards.com/winners-may-edition-ii
@sweetdemocrazyawards @nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @boosthbg @Marint Kunskapscenter i Malmö
2/6 Happy! Our film Precios Balance Walk won Best Arthouse Film in this monthly film festival situated in Rom.
@nordicculturefund @filmcentrumsyd @boosthbg @8&halfilm @marintkunskapscenterimalmo
29/4 Precious Balance Walk nominated finalist (1-10, genre best poetic) in a great film festival in London, humbly happy! @lonelywolffest @filmcentrumsyd @nordiskkulturfond @boosthbg @marintkunskapscenter
Stream in Sweden; www.triart.se/streama/precious-balance-walk
Regi: Zafira Vrba Woodski | Sverige | 2021 | 14 min | Tal: Engelska | Undertexter: Svenska https://panora.se/events/swedish-shorts/
LISTEN TO THE SOUNDTRACK in the film. Very proud that my voicings are in the film, (the loudest voice is mine, very emotional improvisation, we voiced death in a collective voice improvisation in the oil cistern in Marieberg, Västernorrland).
14/4 I will be a part of a vocal and instrumental meditation improvisation; 'Meditation in the Shadow of Death; at St Pauli Church, Malmö.
Elisabeth Belgrano and Felicia Konrad, vocal artists;
Albin Johansson, synthesizer/electronica, Per Myrstener, organ.
9/4 Selected!
@nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @boosthelsingborg @marintkunskapscenter
29/3 The Cinematic Sound piece; Krig - Hvem kan Skilles fra Fjenden Sin, by the composer, musician, and filmmaker Morten Svenstrup, was shown yesterday in Malmö and Sweden for the first time. (Premiere at CPH Dox.)
I am very proud that my voice is a part of the composition, coming from a collective vocal sonic meditation initiated by Morten, and also a field recording with cracking ice, from northern Sweden, by me and Madde Edlund. https://panora.se/events/friis-frame-krig-cinematiskt-ljudverk/
13/3 WOW!! Precious Balance Walk won BEST EXPERIMENTAL, BEST SOUND EDITING, BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY in Arrow International Film Festival http://arrowfest.tilda.ws/winnersjanfeb #arrowinternationalfilmfestival
@nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @marintkunskapscenter
1/3 We are very proud that our cinematographer Benjamin Zadig @benjaminzadig won Special Award at this film festival in Moldavia; @cinematiceuropeanfilmfestival. @nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @marintkunskapscenter
10/2 Precious Balance Walk nominated to Best Experimental!
2/3 Update; won "Outstanding Achievement"
Wow! #reelsinternationalfilmfestival @nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd @marintkunskapscenter
1/2 Uppdate 10/2 Precious Balance Walks awarded with Best Performing Art and became Critics Choice in our first film festival in India! Wonderful!!! #calcuttainternationalcultfilmfestival
@hlccicff @nordiskkulturfond @filmcentrumsyd
28/12 Release EP Breathing Water
1. Can the Ocean Die?
2. Shoreline Walk West Harbour Malmoe
3. The Storm
4. 1 ship comes loaded 1 of 40 000 yearly in The Sound
(underwater sound pollution)
28/12 VERY GRATEFUL; Johanna Olofsson, choose a part of our sound piece; Breathing Water Deep by David Carlsson @davic to her Kalejdoskop, Swedish radio.
Breathing Water have project development support from @malmökulturstöd
photo Johan Haugen
23/12 A very nice Christmas present!
Now you can watch our film, but only in Sweden! @triart www.triart.se/streama/precious-balance-walk
16/12 @flickfair Precious Balance Walk selected to Flickfair Film Festival, a very fast-growing online film festival taking place in January 2022. We are very happy for that!
2/2 Our film Precious Balance Walk Selected to this festival dedicated to Peace!
Friday 26/11 Number 3 and 4, single release
Breathing Water Ambient by Mats Persson, and Breathing Water Deep by David Carlsson @davic, both instant compositions with an vibrating sensuous flow.
Breathing Water received project development support by #malmökulturstöd
Stills from film by Benjamin Zadig @syrsazadig
Breathing Water Ambient: Spotify Youtube
Breathing Water Deep: Spotify Youtube
20-30/11, Our film Precious Balance Walk (experimental) together with 127 other films online!
Live 21/11 and 28/11 at, Islands Brygge Kulturhus in Copenhagen.
We will attend the 28th and be interviewed by the great Elisabeth Torres. https://poeticphonotheque.com/
9/11- 30/11 Precious Balance Walk from the 15th-30eith of November, online! We are especially proud of being selected for
Water Docs, Canada, a film festival dedicated to water, and this year celebrating 10 years. Many perspectives are presented for example Natures Rights, Indigenous, and many more. Our film Precious Balance Walk one can find in the program of Water and the Arts and a still from our film was chosen on top for the presentation of all the art films.
13/10 13.00 -13.30, ABF (The Workers Educational Association) In solidarity Precious Balance Walk, screened at Nordic Labour Film Festival
in Malmö, Sweden.
Instant composing We; Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson,
Mats Persson, Tina Quartey and the water in The Sound (Öresund, Malmö/Sweden).
Playing with - Becoming with shoreline field recordings from Malmö, from Sibbarp to the West Harbour.
The sound piece Breathing Water will contain 5 parts and we will publish every part of it one by one, as singles during Oct-Nov-Dec 2021.
The first part Ocean - Vibrating the Connection was initiated by ideas from Mats Persson, playing his beautiful electronic kalimba and the rest of us followed! The whole piece is collectively discussed and processed, step by step, but David Carlsson has had the role of the artistic producer.
October-November the sound piece BREATHING WATER
We have decided that our coming sound piece Breathing Water will be presented on its own webpage www.breathingwater.se, because we will publish the whole piece, by singles. The first single will be Ocean - Vibrating the connection!
Andas Vatten/Breathing Water received project development support from Malmö Cultural Support. Working with the field recordings, over and under the surface, composing, and recording sessions in Gula Studion. We=Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey.
12/10 Precious Balance Walk won best Experimental at GLIFF Golden Lemur Film Festival (oct 2021) @golden.lemur
Precious Balance Walk and the sound piece Water Dialogue is a part of Gibca extended,
Gothenburg International Biennal for Contemporary Art, at Tjörn Munciaplity 2/10-7/11.
21/9 WOW! Precious Balance Walk was selected for Serbest International Film Festival!
12/9 Copenhagen here it comes, Live screening on November 28th!
And Online.
"Amazing news! Precious Balance Walk was just selected by Nature & Culture - Poetry Film Festival via FilmFreeway.com!"
6/9 Precious Balance Walk at Friis Frame, Panora, Malmö.
Here is also Facebook event
photo Ignacio Peréz Peréz
22/8 Live Performance with interactivity
The Throne - Our desire to own water/nature
The Hierarchy, the dominance. The climate changes.
A poetic reflecting and examining performance with interactivity by
Felicia Konrad, Johan Haugen, Erik Högström, Annou Nilsson, Lisa Nyberg
och Alicia DAilly.
Place: Ribersborgs beach, Between bridge 1 and 2. Time: 14-16.
The Throne is a free continuation of the performance 'Water is instinct', 2017.
pictures of the performance www.istillliveinwater.com/archive
photo Felicia Konrad
18/8 The first festival in East Europe! Precious Balance Walk!!!!
13/8 Our film Precious Balance Walk is an award winner; 'Outstanding Acheivement' (July 2021) and selected in Druk International Film Festival, in Buthan! #filmfreeway #drukfilm @drukfilm
2-5/8 6 Waterdialogues installed at Ljudkullen, Malmö Sommarscen
Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey, Caroline Leander, Robin Knutsson
#sommarscenmalmo #ljudkullen #Davic #tinaquartey #feliciavoicperformer #caroline_leander
#istillliveinwater #johanhaugen
The pieces have been installed and exhibited before at;
Malmö Art Museum, Tomelilla Art Hall, Blå Ställets Art Hall, Water Works (global online exhibition),
Outdoor; Rya Skog, Hisingen/Gothenburg.
photo: Johan Haugen
1/7 Our film Precious Balance Walk won Best Experimental, ARRF Paris!
Crazy happy!
here are all the winners
#aroundfilmawards #filmfreeway #aroundfilm #arffparis #officialselection #imdb #filmfestival #arffinternational #wsxa #filmmaker #wscreenshowcase #cinema #filmindustry #nordiskkulturfond #nordicculturefund #filmcentrumsyd #boosthelsingborg #marintkunskapscenterimalmo #ohboyhotel #feliciavoiceperformer#johanhaugen #lisanyberg_executive #joakimstampe #erikhogberg #ignacioperezperez #hydrachrysalis #davic #merinikula
#benjaminzadig #saschafulscher #jenifermalmqvist #davidglichsumasae
ARTHOUSE/EXPERIMENTAL FILM: Precious Balance Walk (13.24)
6/7 Precious Balance Walk won Best Experimental; European Short Film Festival, 'Showcasing the cutting edge of short filmmaking from around the world'. We jumped up from our chairs when we saw it!
here are all the winners
#europeanshortfilmfestival #filmfreeway #nordiskkulturfond #nordicculturefund #filmcentrumsyd #boosthelsingborg #marintkunskapscenterimalmo #ohboyhotel #feliciavoiceperformer#johanhaugen #lisanyberg_executive #joakimstampe #erikhogberg #ignacioperezperez #hydrachrysalis #davic #merinikula #benjaminzadig#saschafulscher #jenifermalmqvist #davidglichsumasae
7/4 Proud to be a part of the sound piece 'Fjärilarna steg upp'/The Butterflies Ascended', and to be mentioned in the artistic research analysis by the fabulous Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir; Fleshy Listening and multi-entity performance
"Greetings from Stockholm Independent Film Festival!
Congratulations as your film Precious Balance Walk is nominated as a finalist;
Best Arthouse Film in Stockholm Independent Film Festival 2021!"
BREATHING WATER - a sound piece
Jan-Nov 2021;
13/12 2020 Grateful!
We received a yes on our application for our sound piece/installation 'Andas Vatten/Breathing Water', a development project supported by Malmö City Cultural Support. So we start in January 2021! We= Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson and Tina Quartey, and Johan Haugen, artist/I Still live in Water.
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