(Click on news to find out what also happened in 2023, 2022 ...and 2021)
'There's a revolution that needs to happen and it starts from inside each one of us.
We need to wake up and fall in love with the Earth. Our personal and collective happiness and survival depend on it.' -
Thich Nhat Hanh
(still from film Benjamin Zadig)
39 Award Winner, 4 Finalist, 2 Semi-Finalist, 3 Quarter-Finalist, 3 Honorable Mentions in independent film festivals around the world 2023-204
EarthLove (6.36) is a dance/art/music video, based on a remix by the composer Kent Olofsson.
Dancers: Nidia Martinez BarbieriÉmelia Koberg Isabella Linnéa Eriksson George Pelagias Jerry Pedersen Riccardo Zandonà
Choreographic Guidance: Miguel Cortéz
Director: Felicia Konrad
Assistant Director. Johan Haugen
Cinematographer: Benjamin Zadig
1st Camera Assistant: Jonas Eneskär
2econd Camera Assitant: Konrad Welinder
Editor: Jacob Nilsson
Vocals: Felicia Konrad and Charlie Haugen Konrad
Yidaki (Didgeridoo) Johan Haugen
Bass: David Carlsson
Drums: Martin Fernandez;
Trumphet: Petter Lindgård
Guitar: Frans Hanner
Synt: Kent Olofsson
With support from Filmcentrum Syd and a big thank you to Danscentrum Syd and Skånes Dansteater
Screenings of EarthLove in Sweden
2024 7/12 LiAn Filmfestival, Cinema Panora, EarthLove screening in the 1st filmpackage of 3,
2023 21/12 Kino, Kortfilmsdagen, Folkets Bio, Lund.
2023 3/9 Cinema Panora, "Malmö in the making"
EarthLove Premiere, and Precious Balance Walk + talk with Felicia Konrad and cinematographer Benjamin Zadig.
Screenings of EarthLove in other countries 2024
2024 25/2 New York, Sankt Marks Theatre,
@newyorkmovieawards https://newyorkmovieawards.com/movie-night
2024 23/3, Barcelona, Location: Zumzeig Cinema | Calle Béjar, 53. Barcelona, Spain
from 12:00 until 15:00 @barcelona_indie_awards
Screenings online of EarthLove summer 2024 (has been other screenings online in some other online festivals)
20ieth of June
EarthLove online streaming together with 5 other shorts, #europeanshortfilmawards, Berlin:
(https://film-festival.eu/, https://x.com/eufilmfestival/status/1801571278471438538)
13-14 th of June, EarthLove together with 4 other music films
Experimental Dance & Music Film Festival (Los Angeles, Toronto, New York)
Podcast interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4-G_ED9UoQ
Film festivals
❤️🌍🌎🌏❤️39 Award Winner, 4 Finalists, 2 Semi-Finalist, 3 Quarter-Finalist, 3 Honorable Mentions in independent film festivals around the world 2023-204
1. Best Arthouse Music Video
American Film Market, Las Vegas 2024
#roshaniinterantionalfilmfestival, Aurungabad, India 2024
3. Best Arthouse Music Video: 2024
https://wildfilmmaker.com/winners-special-event-at-81st.../ "Congratulations from the Venice International Film Festival Special Edition Wild Filmmaker! Your project has been awarded among over 4,000 participants—a record-breaking achievement for an Indie Cinema event." @michelediomà @wild_filmaker @sallyvalentinalumi
"You made our very top 3.29% with excellent results"
NEW YORKER INDIE CRITICS’ CHOICE AWARDS, @wild_filmmaker #8andhalfilmawards (Best Indie Festival 2023/24 IMDb https://wildfilmmaker.sviluppo.host/winners-newyorker-indie-critics-choice-awards-2024/
5. BEST ART FILM (Audience choice) @experimentaldancemusic
Experimental Dance & Music Film Festival (incredible festival), Los Angeles, Toronto, New York
6. BEST DANCE MUSIC VIDEO @cannesfilmawards https://cannesfilmawards.com/winners/2024
@8andhalffilmawards and @nynfilmawards and the world's largest indie film community Wild Filmmakers Filmmakerhttps://wildfilmmaker.sviluppo.host/winners-8-halfilm.../
(Best Indie Festival 2023/24)
8. Best MusicVideo, @torontoindiefilmfest https://www.torontoindiefestival.com/post/jan2024
9. Gold Award Music Video, Hollywood Gold Awards
10. Gold Award Experimental, Paris Film Awards https://parisfilmawards.net/february-2024
12. BEST ARTHOUSE MUSIC VIDEO & BEST CINEMATOGRAHPY (@benjaminzadig), Grand Prix- Italy
13. BEST ART FILM & BEST EUROPEAN ORIGINAL FILMMAKER, Brüsselle International Seventh Art Fest, 2024
14. BEST EUROPEAN MUSIC VIDEO & BEST ARTHOUSE DIRECTOR www.casinofilmfestival.com/winners-san-diego-arthouse-fest-2024
15. Best Music Video (female) at Reels International Short Film Festival
16. Best editing, January winners 2024 https://www.herculesfestival.org/winners
https://8andhalfilmawards.com/tibet-silent-poetry-fest (Best Indie Festival Jan 2024)
18. BEST POETRY MUSIC VIDEO, London https://www.internationalnetworkfilmfestival.com/london...
19. BEST DANCE VIDEO Lion International Film Festival, Firenze/Italy
20. BEST POETIC DANCE, Jamaica https://www.ifindiefestival.com/jamaica-international-film-fest-2024
21. Best Music Video, Berlin https://filmfreeway.com/SunnyFilmFestival1.
Best Music Video: "We are immensely pleased to announce that Your film "EarthLove" won The Best Music Video Of the Munich New Wave Short Film Festival. @newwaveshortfilm https://www.newwavefilmfestival.com/january-2024
22. Best Experimental: New York International Gold Awards
23. Gold Award Experimental, London https://londonmovieawards.com/january-2024
24. Best Music Video and Gold Award Original Song #newyorkmovieawards
25. Gold Award - Original Song and Silver Award - Music Video
#milangoldawards https://milangoldawards.com/january-2024
26. Music Video Silver Award #florenceawards
27. BEST ARTHOUSE MUSIC VIDEO, BEST DIRECTOR (Category Music Video), BEST ORIGINAL CINEMATOGRAPHY@benjaminzadig & BEST POETIC DANCE FILM https://fridafilmfestival.com/france-international-prix
28. BEST POETIC DANCEFILM @newcinemafilmfestival https://www.newcinemafestival.com/brazilian-film-academy-awards-24
29. BEST ARTFILM and BEST POETIC DANCEFILM https://www.wildfilmmakerfestival.com/winners-red-sea-film-script-fest
https://8andhalfilmawards.com/norway-international-film (Best Indie Festival 2023)
31. BEST POETIC DANCE FILM & BEST EUROPEAN MUSIC VIDEO, Edinburgh International Art Festival https://8andhalfilmawards.com/edinburgh-international (Best Indie Festival 2023)
32. Best Music Video, at TOP SHOT FESTIVAL, a new festival in Warszawa, Poland! https://topshot.tilda.ws/winners
33. Best Music Video; Zurich, Switzerland @switzerlandfilmfestivalandscreenplaycompetion
34. Best Poetic Music Video and Best International Song, Rome; Italy
8 & HALFILM AWARDS! (Best Indie Festival 2023) https://8andhalfilmawards.com/winners-december-second-e
35. Best Poetic Dance Film, Best Art Based Film, Best Cinematography; Benjamin Zadig and Best Dancer Nidia Dance, Travancore International Film Award - TIFA (Kerala)
36. Winner, Honorable Mention, Global Shorts 2023, Los Angeles global-shorts.net/honorable-mentions/
37. Winner Critics Choice Award, Calcutta International Cult Film 2023 @hlc_cicff
38. Best Music Video Grassroot International Film Festival
39. Honorable Mention Best Music Video, https://filmfreeway.com/GenevaInternationalFilmFestival
40. Nominee, Best Videography, Reykjavik, Iceland @yetifilmfest
41. Finalist Best Music Video, Tokyo, Japan. @risingsuncinemafilmfestival
42. Finalist Best Music Video in The Singapore International Competition @thesingaporeinternationalcompetion
43. Semifinalist Best Music Video @lonelywolffest " "You made our very top 3.29% with excellent results"
44. Semifinalist Best Music Video, and Best Editing: @belgrade_film_festival
https://belgradefilmfestival.tilda.ws/(the yearly festival 2024)
45. Quarter finalist @portuguese.lemur Best Dance Film, and Best Eco Work https://pliff.tilda.ws/officialselections
46. Quarter finalist https://amsterdamworldcanv.wixsite.com/home
47. Officially selected for the third year of londondirectorawards.com/ 2023/24. EarthLove is among the 150 best projects from more than 1,500 projects applied.
48. Official Selection @barcelona_indie_awards
49. Offical Selection #frenchinternationalmodernfilmandscriptfestival July-August 2023
50. Official Selection #redwoodfilmfestival
51. Official Selection European Short Awards 2023/24 SUMMER SEASON
With more than 1,000 projects applied, EarthLove made it to the top 10 percent.
52. Official Selection Kosice International Film Festival 2023/2024
With more than 1,000 projects applied, EarthLove made it to the top 10 percent.
53. Official Selection, Budapest Movie Awards 2023/24 Summer Season
With more than 1,000 projects applied, EarthLove made it to the top 10 percent.
54. Official Selection: International Network Film Festival, 2024
55. Official Selection: Sofia World Film Festival 2024
56. Official Selection. Special Event in Cannes, 2024, @casinofilmfestival
57. Official Selection @vinennafilmstories 2024 https://filmfreeway.com/ViennaFilmStories
58. Official Selection in Bucharest Cine Film Fest; 2024 https://www.bscfest.com/
59. Offical Selection #europeanshortfilmfestival 2024 https://film-festival.eu/
60. Official Selection New York Film § Cinematography Awards, 2024
Best Film Awards @best_film_awards
photo Johan Haugen
ONGOING www.breathingwater.se
Our constellation Breathing Water; Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey has taken the name of the
ongoing sound piece with the name Breathing Water 2021- that received Projekt Development from Malmö Kulturstöd #malmökulturstöd in December 2020.
16/8 Live performance concert Body of Water 3-hour durational at St Petri Church at @malmofestivalen 16th of August 2023!
We are also sketching some ideas, and hoping that our continuing contact with Skånes Dansteater maybe will result in a very
special sound work.
And we hope that we can return to the piece "The Sound Choir" that we had to interrupt in 2021.
The Sound Choir will contain iPhone recordings from people in Malmö saying 2 out of 3 breaths is oxygen coming from the Ocean, and Breath Water (referring to that our lungs consist of 85 % of water), in so many languages we can collect, in Malmö, around 160-180 languages are spoken. We aim for it to be installed in a sound shower outdoor public.
Short Filmdokumentation; https://www.facebook.com/felicia.konrad/videos/1088988665311286
23-25 Sept The Gallerywekeend in Malmö, #Malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetskane
at Sankt Pauli Church, Malmö/Sweden, Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten
23/9 Live Performance Concert 19.30
Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, and Tina Quartey.
23/9 Our art film Precious Balance Walk www.istillliveinwater.com
will be looping 18.00 - 19.15 and 20.50 - 22.00
24-25/9, 12-16, Outdoor installation with Body of Water Guided Meditation instructions beside the big porch at the church
This was an extended version based on both our sound piece Breathing Water and our first version of the Live Performance Concert 'Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten', which we created on commission by Malmö Art Museum when our sound piece Water Dialogues was exhibited there outdoor July-August 2020, as an extension of the exhibition Shape Shifters. The Sound piece Water Dialogues was originally created in 2018 on commission for the audio log at Tomelilla Art hall for the exhibition Amniotic Fluid/I Still Live in Water.
ONGOING PROJECT, containing the film Precious Balance Walk. (still from film Benjamin Zadig)
I Still Live In Water is an intuitive art project working with water, creating in the creation and creating together with creation by the artists Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugen, Malmö/Sweden. www.istillliveinwater.com
2021 From 23/12 Streaming at TriArt, only Sweden; www.triart.se/streama/precious-balance-walk
2020 Precious Balance Walk (13.24) TRAILER
DIRECTORS: Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugen/I STILL LIVE IN WATER
With support from Nordic Culture Fund, Filmcentrum Syd, BoostHelsingborg, Marine Knowledge Center in Malmö, Oh Boy Hotel
Beautiful essay about Precious Balance Walk by the curator, author, and researcher; Bronwyn Bailey Charteris
Best Experimental Film: ARFF Paris Around Film International 2021, European Short Film Festival 2021, Gliff Golden Lemur Film Festival 2021 Portugal, Arrow International Film Festival 2022, Sweet Democrazy Film Award 2022, Bhutan International Short Film Festival 2022, Venus Community Awards 2022 Turkey, AIMAFF, Athens 2023, Frida Film Festival 2023 Mexico, Vegas Movies Awards 2023, Echonation Audio and Filmfestival 2023, Ireland, Golden Giraffe International Film Festival, Nice, Tokyo Awards 2023, Budapest Film Festival 2023, Garoaawards 2023, Sao Paolo, Best Short Film Award 2022/23 Summer Edition, London England, Beyond the Screen Film Festival 2024, Antwerpen, Belgium, London Movie Awards 2024,
Best Mood Film: Yeti Film Fest, Reykjavik, Iceland 2024, Sensei FilmFest, Tokyo, Japan 2024
Honorable Mention (Best Experimental) New York Tristate International Film Festival 2023, Your Way International Film Festival 2023, Malta
Best Performing Art and Critics choice; Calcutta International Cult Film 2022
Best Dance or Poetic; Climaxfilmfest Critic Awards 2022 Spanien
Best Cinematography; Benjamin Zadig; Arrow International Film Festival 2022, Golden Wheat Awards 2022 Turkey,
Vegas Movie Award 2023
Best Sound Editing, David Gülich, Arrow International Film Festival 2022 Frankrike
Best Sound Design; David Gülich, Paris Shorts Film Awards 2022
Best Arthouse Film; 8 & Halfilm Awards May 2022
Best Director: Golden Wheat Awards 2022 Turkey
Best Original Sound Track: Fox Film International 2023, Italy
Special Award; Cinematographer Benjamin Zadig/Precious Balance Walk; Cinematic European Film Festival 2022 Moldavia
’Outstanding Achievement’; DIFF Durk International Film Festival 2021 Bhutan, Reels International Film Festival 2022 Indien
Nominated Arthouse Finalist at Stockholm Independent Film Festival 2021
Nominated finalist for Best Poetic at Lonely Wolf International Film Festival, London 2022, Magma Film Awards 2022 (Hawaii)
Nominated finalist; Bridge of Peace Film Festival 2023, Paris
Nominated Best Experimental of the Year; Vegas Movie Awards 2023
Nominated finalist Best Avant-Garde Film: Nocturna Brooklyn Film Festival 2024
Nominated finalist Best Cinematography: Benjamin Zadig, Yeti Film Fest, Iceland 2024
Nominated finalist Best Experimental: Sensei FilmFest Tokyo, Japan, 2024
Nominated Finalist: Best Experimental and Best Dance or Poetic: Filmhaus, Berlin, January 2024
Selected; Prague International Indie Film Festival 2021, Serbest International Film Festival (SIFF) 2021, Water Docs 2021, Canada
Nov Nature & Culture - Poetry Film Festival 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, Hollywood On The Tiber Film Awards 2021,
Flickfair International Film Festival 2022, Snow Leopard International Film Festival 2022, European Peace Film Festival 2022 Ukraine, French International Modern Script and Film Festival 2023, Black Owl Festival 2023, Bodrum, Mugla, Turkey, Bistrita Romänia International Film Fest, Rumänien
Art Exhibitions
2024 October 1-5, Precious Balance Walk one of 20 films in special edition: MOSTRA ECOPERFORMANCE FILM FESTIVAL at Sesc Pompeia (São Paulo, Brasil). It is an exhibition of International Ecoperformance Film Festival (2021 - 2024) @ecoperformancefilmfestival, Maura Baiocchi and Wolfgang Pannek
2024 10/2 -3/3 Amsterdam, Group Exhibition WATER EN VUUR AQUA ARDENS
2021 2/10 - 7/11 Gibca extended, Gothenburg International Biennal for Contemporary Art, at Tjörn Municipality 2/10-7/11.
Screenings of Precious Balance Walk
2024, 17th of August, Bistrita, Romania, @briff_film_festival,at Teleki Castle in Poșmuș Bistrita Romania, as part of a larger arts festival (ArtCast TELEKY) that includes concerts, exhibitions, poetry, and workshops.
2024 8th of June, World Ocean Day, screened nonstop at Malmö Art Hall https://malmokonsthall.se/evenemangs/havets-dag-kortfilmen-precious-balance-walk/
2023 14/9 in OSLO, at ECOPERFORMANCE IN ARCHITECTURE, as part of the teaching and research program BODY & SPACE MORPHOLOGIES ACTING AND THE ACTED IN A MORE-THAN-HUMAN WORLD at the Institute of Architecture The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)Oslo, Prof. Rolf Gerstlauer.
2023 3/9 Cinema Panora, Malmö, in the project Malmö in the making
2023 2/6 Sao Paolo, 3ird Ecoperformance International Film Festival www.ecoperformance.art.br
Also a part of the streaming of 57 films online 2023.
2023: 27-28 May Southern Swedish Design Days, https://southernswedendesigndays.com/en/event/locally-alien
2022 23/9 St Pauli Kyrka, #malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane
2021 6/9 Friis Frame, Panora Cinema, Malmö, Sweden
2021 6/10 Malmö Art Hall, Malmö, Sweden
2021 13/10 Nordic Labour Film Festival, Malmö, Sweden
2021 28/11 Nature & Culture - Poetry Film Festival, Islands Brygge Culture House, Copenhagen, Denmark
(also online together with 157 other films!)
Photo below: Johan Haugen More info about exhibitions and performance for the whole procject; www.istillliveinwater.com
'The Oracle'; solo voice/sound art/performance
A series of deadly serious humoristic short vocal spontaneous sound pieces with theme climate chaos,
a more-than-human perspective. But also with an urge to open myself to a language that I don't understand.
Is there a code inside of me to find?
The Oracle occurred as a spontaneous answer on the open call QuAR(T)antine )made by Performance Køkkenet. 42 videos from different places in the world. Made to the pop-up exhibition of Ljudkonst, Hola Folkhögskola Oct 2020, Fyren, Härnösand
The work will be continued, but delayed due to work with the sound piece Breathing Water, the film Precious Balance Walk, and 'A Chorus of Haptic Tones', and the coming film Earthlove.
2020 -2019 Overview, 2021 - 2022 on news
24/10 Pop up exhibition Sound Art, Hola Folkhögskola, at Härnösands Art Hall, Fyren (Norrdans).
My presented work; The Oracle (Soundcloud)
A series of deadly serious humoristic short vocal spontaneous sound pieces with theme climate chaos,
more-than-human perspective. But also with an urge to open myself to a language that I don't understand.
Is there a code inside of me to find?
(17/4 The Oracle was born answering the open call during the first quarantine period and participated
in Performance Køkkenets initiative; QuAR(T)antine with 42 performance videos from the world).
Also participating with voice, in the coming film 'Death is my Pronoun' by the artist Zafire Vrba
Zafire Vrba listening to The Oracle photo Felicia Konrad
Oct - Participated in the series of the online performance Cyber-bodies.
Transitional Identity Photo Felicia Konrad
'Fjärilarna steg upp' /'The Butterflies ascended' sound installation by Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir
specially created for the tropical palm house at the greenhouse of The Botanical Garden in Lund.
Voices and improvisers in the work are Sofia Härdig, Liv Kaastrup Vesterskov and Felicia Konrad.
Facebook event
25-26/9 Participated with 'Thou aint seen nothing yet', a Fanfiction text in 'Don Quijote' by Erik Holmström, Folkteatern i Göteborg. (The whole text published on their homepage).
22/9 The short art film Precious Balance Walk (13.24) by the intuitive art project, by I Still Live in Water, (Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugen) is now completed; color grading by the cinematographer Benjamin Zadig, and also a trailer edited by Sascha Fülscher www.istilliveinwater.com/news
Precious Balance Walk is a film with 6 Nordic Performance Artists invited to perform in water and with water.
Erik Högström (Swe) Lisa Nyberg (Swe) Joakim Stampe (Swe) Elena Lundquist Ortiz (Den) Meri Nikula (Fin) Ignacio Pérez Pérez (Fin/Ven) With support by Nordic Culture Fund, Boost Helsingborg, Filmcentrum Syd, Marint Kunskapscenter.
Lisa Nyberg still from film by Benjamin Zadig
28/7-16/8 Water Dialogues, sound piece installation outdoor Malmö Art Museum as an extension of the exhibition Shapeshifters. Slow walk collective 9/8, Live performance concert 16/8 (documentation Vimeo)
The sound piece Water Dialogues (Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey) was originally created
for the audio logs at Tomelilla Art hall, for the exhibition 2018, Amniotic Fluid by I Still Live in Water.
For the outdoor installation in the summer of 2020 at Malmö Art Museum, a new mix and master was produced by
David Carlsson, Gula Studion.
Water Dialogues is an intuitive and spontaneous sound piece that range from exploration of more than the human world, the mystic and mind-blowing in that water is alive, and the everyday nordic welfare life where the clean running tap water is
something that we take for granted, with the sense that we have endless water resources.
Water Dialogues was released on 11/3 2019 on Spotify and other platforms such as Bandcamp.
Also played in Swedish radio P2, Jazzradion, and Kalejdoskop.
The Art Intendant Desirée Lennklo at Tomelilla Art hall, Sweden:
"During the exhibition period, many of our visitors took part of the sound piece Water Dialogues.
The sound piece seemed to stimulate stillness and reflection.
Often when we in the staff were crossing the room we met visitors sitting and half laying in sac sacs, apparently encapsulated in the sound piece. And in themselves.
The sound piece appealed to both children and adults, and these moments of stillness and soulful presence the piece offered and gave the visitors a very strong experience.
-Tomelilla Art hall found that the sound piece was very appreciated and that it gave a deepening understanding,
not only in the understanding of our relationship to water but also, and maybe the most important, our relation to ourselves our origin, and our future."
5/3 Participated in a vocal sonic meditation that was recorded, mixed, and included in a sound piece of the Cinematic sound piece ; War-who-can- separate- from-their-enemy? shown at CPH: DOX and that will be released in 2021.
One field recording of cracking ice made by me and Madde Englund is also part of the composition.
At the end of 2018, I was participating in a weekly Deep Listening course by Morten Svenstrup that is a certified teacher by Pauline Oliveros.
2 ears sonic meditation (Let your ears have wings) by Felicia Konrad
Close your eyes if you want.
Take a deep breath and hold it for a couple of seconds, then breath out.
Observe your own breathing and sense the vibrations of your breathing in your body and imagine that you draw a contour around your whole body.
Connect your heart and your 2 ears inside your body, or outside your body.
With your 2 ears then start listening to the sounds inside your body,
in the room, or close to you,
expand and listen to the sounds outside the room.
Go as far as you want and shift your listening as you like, and maybe play a little, let your ears listen in different directions; behind, in front, above, besides...
Add if you like: try to let one ear listen to a certain sound and the other ear stay close listening, shift.
Add if you wish: Let the sounds take shape (become sound sculptures), let them have color, follow how they are moving/vibrating.
5-7/3 Participated in 2 artistic workshops by Tian Rotteveel and 1 workshop with Jeaninne Durning during the Eareye festival at Inkonst, Malmö/Sweden.
2019 In selection
28-30/1 Voice and the Unknown - An International Vocal Performance Research Symposium
The aim of this artistic research symposium is to allow for VOICE to act as a guide into the UNKNOWN.
Through an entangled mishmash of intra-active events (performances, installations, workshops and seminars) participants will be invited to explore the potential power of VOICE and its impact on the UNKNOWN or ‘that-which-is- yet-to-be-known’.
ELISABETH L. BELGRANO, voice artist & PhD in Performance / Nordic Network for Vocal Performance Research/president, National network for Artistic Research in Music / Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Lund University / Öckerö, Sweden.
FELICIA KONRAD, voice artist, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Lund University / Sweden.
LISA NYBERG, visual artist, teacher & organizer, Ph.D. in Practice candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria/ Malmö, Sweden.
MISHA PENTON, voice artist, composer, director & Ph.D. candidate in music, Bath Spa University, UK / Houston TX, USA.
JULIEANNA PRESTON, Professor of Spatial Practice at Toi Rauwharangi/ College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Wellington, Aotearoa/ New Zealand.
BJÖRN ROSS, visual artist, Nordic Network for Early Opera / Copenhagen, Denmark.
ELISABETH HOLMERTZ, singer, Ph.D. candidate in Artistic Research, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway’.
Elisabeth L. Belgrano, Felicia Konrad, Lisa Nyberg, Misha Penton, Julieanna Preston, Björn Ross, Elisabeth Holmertz
21/10 Interferal Voices, Inter Arts Center
Participated with the sound piece Swept Away - An imagine story for your voice (Felicia Konrad/Kent Olofsson)
2019-18 Residence Inter Arts Center; Röstmoln/Voice Cloud 4 workshop sessions.
The work focused on the quality of listening to others and yourself as well as the basis to create authenticity and, unexpected organic voice expressions. And with the intention to open up for the transformative powers of the voice.
2019 By I Still Live in Water
19/6 Got support from Nordic Culture Fund for the film recording.
15-24/8 Filmrecording of the short art film Precious Balance Walk by the intuitive art project I Still Live in Water (Felicia Konrad and Johan Haugen), at Ribersborg beach, Malmö.
Erik Högström, Still from film by Benjamin Zadig
11/3 Release av Ljudverket Water Dialogues
Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey
16/3 Underverket, Malmö, improvised water concert and guided meditations
31/3 Played at Jazzradion, SR P2
14/4 Played at Kalejdoskop, Johanna Olofsson
Felicia Konrad, Photo Johan Haugen
Exhibitions I Still Live in Water (Felicia Konrad/Johan Haugen + collaborations)
2021 Ljudkullen, Malmö Sommarscen; Ljudverk från Breathing Water och Water Dialogues
2021 Gibca Extended, Tjörns Kommun; the film Precious Balance Walk and the sound piece Water Dialogues
2020 Installation sound piece Water Dialogues, Malmö Art Museum (as an extension of the exhibition Shapeshifters)
2018 Amniotic Fluid including the sound piece Water Dialogues, Tomelilla Art hall, Sweden
2016 Amniotic Fluid/Blå Ställets Art Hall, Gothenburg, Sweden
2016 The sound piece Love is an Ocean/Cosmic Wash Over, Water Works a global online exhibition by the artist Suzon Fuks, Australia (chosen by the curator/sound artist Pascale Barett)
2015-2021 Site-specific/interactive Performance by I Still Live in Water (Felicia Konrad/Johan Haugen)
2021 The Throne - the human desire to own water/nature, with interactivity, together with Erik Högström, Lisa Nyberg, Annou Nilson, and Alicia D'Ailly.
(Ribersborgs Beach)
2020 A collective slow walk, Malmö Konstmuseum (during the exhibition of Water Dialogues at Malmö Art Museum)
2018 Water Walk - A Performance Art Walk, interactive
together with Erik Högström, Susanne Ovelius, and Monika Gora. (Ribersborgs Beach, Malmö/Sweden).
With inspiration from slow walk - butoh dance, and Global Performance Art Walk.
2018 Water Banquet, interactive performance på Tomelilla Konsthall during the exhibition; Amniotic Fluid/I Still Live in Water.
2017 Water is instinct, with interactivity, together with the artists Erik Högström, Andreas M. Larsson, and the dance artist Annou Nilson.
(Ribersborg Beach, Malmö/Sweden).
2016 -A glass of water, thank you! - The water in your glass is maybe older than the sun.(Blå Ställets Art Hall, Gothenburg, Malmö City Library).
2015 To carry water. To carry 5890 liters one day. Interactive Performance; Dome of Visions, Copenhagen, and at Ribersborgs Beach, Malmö; with 4
percussionists; Tina Quartey, Emeli Ek, Martin Brandqvist, Emil Sjunnesson, and the author and moderator Catarina
Rolfsdotter. Film documentation by Christian Jönsson. With support from Malmö Kulturstöd, and Dome of Visions, Denmark.
2022 Breathing Water Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Tina Quartey, also at Bandcamp
2019 Water Dialogues Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson,Tina Quartey, also at Bandcamp
2017 Blue Sky Rain Falls/Trapets poetic ambient (Felicia Konrad och Mats Persson) also at Bandcamp
2015 Wonderful Surreal/Cosmic Wash Over (collective singer/songwriting)
Felicia Konrad, Caroline Leander, David Carlsson, Ann Falden, Peter Tegnér, Mats Persson
2011 Cosmic Wash Over/Felicia Konrad (collective singer/songwriting)
Felicia Konrad, Caroline Leander, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, Robin Knutsson, Peter Tegnér
2003 So drop it in/Konrad Band (alternative jazz/Imogena) Felicia Konrad, Karin Johansson, Stefan Petterson, Ebba Westerberg
Live Concerts 2000 - 2016, Sweden from south to north, and west to east, and a couple in Copenhagen, Denmark.
1998 Also participating with voice on Garmarnas album Hildegard von Bingen, and touring 1998 with them in North of Sweden.
1999 Participating at the folk music band; Garmarnas album with music of Hildegard von Bingen; youtube from live concert
Trapets poetic ambient
2014 Sound piece by Felicia Konrad/Mats Persson (Trapets) in the film Monumental Landscapes and human traces,
a film of the artistic design of Skåne Town Hall by 29media, Peggy Eklöf och Theresa Benér.
2013 During Solo festival/Teater Trixter, Gothenburg installation outdoor; On the Edge of Beauty I/Trapets (Felicia Konrad/Mats Persson)
by the composer Michael Bojén
2011 Jordberga Art Expo; the soundpiece 'The Field' by Felicia Konrad/Mats Persson
2009 Discreet Sound project by Michael Bojén, composer; installation of Blue Sky Rain Falls/Trapets (Felicia Konrad, Mats Persson)
in a nature reserve; Rya Skog, Gothenburg.
2009 Interactive Concept; Give me your sound, /Trapets (Felicia Konrad/Mats Persson)
Galleri Kulturum, Hammenhög 11 juli
Give me your sound – Tomelilla goes Lucia; sound installation Dec 2009, outside Tomelilla Art hall
LIve Performance I have Participated in 2017-2018
2018 Intime/Angela Rawlings, Hydrosphere; Laboratory Aesthetics and Ecology, Helsingör/Denmark
2018 Breathing Choir; Ying-Hsueh Chen, Gallery Molekyl, Malmö/Sweden
2017 Home, Public Society Performance Collective, Performance Køkkenet, Copenhagen/Denmark
Workshops I have participated in 2016 - 2019
2019 7/6 Tree Time, Caitlin Dear, Inter Arts Center
2019 25th of May: Site-Specific Singing with Miyuki Inoue, Inter Arts Center/Malmö/Sweden
2019 9 mars Mouths & Voice, Anne Naukkarinen, Stapelbädden, Malmö/Sweden
2018 Oktober, Human time, Nature time, NIAN workshop by Rita Marhaug, Göteborg/Sweden
2017 Shaman Walking, Ignacio Pérez Pérez (Global Art Performance Walks) Body Landscapes; Performance Festival in Copenhagen
2016 The Voice and Identity, Benny Nemerofsky, Valand, Göteborg/Sweden
2019 5 days summer course in sound art, Munka Ljungby Folkhögskola, teacher Helena Juréen
2018 Nov-dec Participating in Course in Deep Listening/Pauline Oliveros, Copenhagen by the certified leader, composer Morten Svenstrup.
Voice performance solo 1998-2013
2013 The Spring, The Poetry festival in Västernorrland 15 years jubilée, Härnösand
2013 Earthlove, Solo festival, Teater Trixter, Gothenburg
2008 Eating Sounds - a dinner. (Tomelilla sees red, a different christmas display)
Kulturmagasinet Österlen 360 grader/Tomelilla Kommun
2008 So this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time, Live performance and sound collage/On the edge of Beauty (I-IV)
vocal Felicia Konrad, sound design; Mats Persson. Galleri Kulturum, Hammenhög, Österlen.
2008 Lost in the wood? Night church, Johanneskyrkan, Malmö
2007 My secret little box with my secret little voice. On behalf of The Poetryfestival in Västernorrland, Härnösand
2007 Foster – from female dinghies to primal roar. Participation in the exhibition Woman -Night and City, theme crime prevention art and design by the network, Magma, Gallery night Malmö.
2007 Nothing is missing Poems by Shinkichi Takahashi, Stavkyrkan at Mannaminne/Höga Kusten.
On behalf of the 'Norrländska' Writer's Union/Norrlands Literary societies
2007 'I catch my breath'. Dance festival TRANSIT - City in movement, Memory Wax, Malmö.
2007 Lost in the woods? On behalf of the artist; Johan Gaellman, Galleri The Basement, Västerås.
2007 I am sitting here practicing to die. (Döden, döden Sjöbo Art Hall)
On behalf of the artists in the exhibition; Sophia Callmer, Ylva Lundquist, Lina Karna Kippel, Anja Richardt Krabbe.
2006 I sit down in the shy chair, Möllevångsfestivalen/Malmö.
2006 When I was a child I had a budgerigar named Chico, Galleri Pictura, Lund, Opening/Featherpoultry
2002 Mouthpiece, Box Art Hall, (curator Åsa Bergdahl) Scenografi and installation by the artist Anita Wohlén. With Support from
The Region of Norrland (also at the Festival Fritt Forum 2002, Gothenburg).
2000 Iron Voice, Forsbacka Bruk yearly art exhibition
(Also participating in the SV/FEA documentary film by Daniel Berenais.
1998 3xJesus. At Gränslöst/art festival, The Region Museum in Västernorrland.
Performance/poetry/exhibition collaborations 1998 - 2013
2013 Improviso, The Day of Dance, Danscentrum Malmö, together with Mayte Vamos, butoh dancer.
2011 Calls; Performance at the opening of Jordberga Art expo, Curator Alexandra Kostrubala
Trapets (Felicia Konrad och Mats Persson) also exhibited the sound piece The Field.
2008 Breathing Light - a music performance with Annika Jessen, clarinet, at the 10 years jubilée of the Poetry Festival in Västernorrland
2004 Mothers on the rock, Kulturbrott, Öland, together with the artist Lisa W. Carlson.
2001 Förlåt, together with the artist Lisa W. Carlsson, The Poetry Festival in Västernorrland.
2000/2001 Sound collage Membran, a part of the Exhibition 'Sikt genom sly' Sight to Sly, De Wahl, Björkman och Lundqvist, Kulturmagasinet, Sundsvall, Arbetets Museum, Norrköping. Live performance at the Openings.
On behalf of the artist Janne Björkman.
1999 Recitatör, tour, Garmarna plays music by Hildegard von Bingen.
On behalf of Music in Västernorrland.
1999 You provoke me in violent reruns, together with the flamenco singer Rogelio de Badajoz, The Poetry Festival in Västernorrland.
1998 Minnie the Vampire, The opening at The Faces of Power, exhibition of the artist Anita Wohlén
at the Region Museum in Västernorrland. On behalf and in collaboration by the artist.
1999 I was one of the initiators and also the first project leader for Poesifestivalen in Härnösand/PoesY Västernorrland, which lasted 1999 -2016.
It expanded and became a festival that happened in the whole region. I performed several times there but also worked as a presenter during the years.
1993-94 Performed poetry and music regularly with the guitarist Niklas Aman, the duo Blue Orange
1993-94 Assistant at Poeternas Estrad Stockholm, lead and initiated poetry workshops with theme voice
1994 Lightyears from here/Gallery Doktor Glas, Stockholm
Director, manuscript Felicia Konrad Actors: Annika Wallin Björn Wahlberg Komposer 12 minutes of water music Carin Blom
1991 Assistant Director to Bo Widerberg. No one goes free/Stig Dagerman at Malmö Stadsteater.
1987 Assistant Director to Görgen Ohlsson, Sophie Scholl, at Skånska Teatern
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